Mirador’s Safe Management Measures
The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus are likely to experience mild to moderate respiratory illness. These people would usually recover without requiring special treatment. The disease poses higher risk for older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer as these groups of people are more likely to develop serious illness. According to the data released by the World Health Organisation (WHO), COVID-19 has resulted in almost 3.8 million deaths as of 13th June 2021.
Due to the highly contagious nature of COVID-19, various government agencies in Singapore have released guidelines and implemented measures to reduce the transmission of the disease. In order to ensure the health and safety of our employees, the company has implemented Safe Management Measures (SMM) in accordance to the requirements by the Singapore Government.
Default Work from Home (WFH) for employees who are able to do so
Since early 2020, the company has encouraged our employees who are able to work from home to do so. This group of employees are mostly office staffs who are not required to be at the work sites. For staffs that need to go back to the office once in a while, they must seek approval from their immediate superior. They are encouraged to minimize their time in the office and stagger their entry timing (avoiding peak hours 8am to 9 am) back to the office.
Access Control to Workplaces
Employees reporting to work must ensure that they scan the ‘SafeEntry’ to check-in and check-out of their workplaces using the TraceTogether app. Visitors who need to access the workplaces are required to submit a COVID-19 related self-declaration. They are also required to scan the ‘SafeEntry’ before entering. Anyone who is unwell will be denied access into the workplaces.
‘SafeEntry’ put up at the access of the workplaces.
Monitoring of personal health and management of employees who are unwell
All employees are issued with a personal thermometer. The employees are required to measure their temperature twice daily (Morning & Afternoon) and record the readings in the ‘Daily Temperature Monitoring Log’. Employees who are unwell must seek medical attention immediately. Any employees with fever or flu-like symptoms are required to seek a medical review at the end of their medical leave. They will only be allowed back to their work site once the doctor certified that they are ‘Fit for Work’.
Our employees taking their temperature after lunch break, before resuming back to work.
Maintaining safe distancing at the workplaces and demarcation of safe physical distances
Our supervisors ensure that safe distance is maintained between our workers during briefing and work. The work area and rest area are demarcated to indicate the safe distance required between each employee.
Our workers maintaining a safe distance during the tool box meeting and demarcation made to indicate safe distance required between each employees.
Wearing of face masks at all times
All our employees are briefed to put on their face masks at all times. Signages are put up at the workplaces, transports and dormitories to remind our employees to put on their face masks. Face masks can only be removed by the employees during activities (eating, drinking, etc) that require masks to be removed. The employees are required to put on their mask immediately upon completion of such activities.
Face masks on at all times during travel and work.
Provide cleaning and disinfecting agents
Hand soap, disinfecting agent and hand sanitizers are provided at all workplaces. They are replenished regularly by the supervisors.
Disinfecting agent and hand sanitizers placed at common area for our employees at their respective workplaces.
Observing good personal hygiene
All employees have been briefed to ensure good personal hygiene. Posters on good personal hygiene have been put up at the workplaces to constantly remind the employees to wash their hand frequently using hand soap.
Employees washing their hands with soap before lunch, and posters on good personal hygiene put up at all workplaces.
Cleaning of workplace premises and common touch points
Regular cleaning of the common touch points at workplaces are performed by the employees. Our drivers had been briefed to disinfect the lorry after ferrying of workers at each location. The drivers are required to record down their travel log and details of disinfection of the lorry on the ‘Vehicle Movement & Disinfect Log Sheet’
Regular cleaning performed by our employees on common touch points
Providing training and latest information on COVID-19 for all employees
Other than the mandatory COVID-19 related training required by the government agencies, the company provides in-house training and latest updates on COVID-19 for all our employees. This information is communicated via emails, briefings and printouts posted at various work sites and employees’ dormitory.
Information and latest updates on COVID-19 put up at the workplace.
Appointment of Safe Management Officer(s) and conducting of SMM inspections
All managers and supervisors had attended the Safe Management Officer course conducted by appointed training providers. Selected employees who had attended the training are appointed as Safe Management Officer (SMO). They are required to conduct weekly Safe Management Measures inspection using the ‘Weekly Safe Management Measures Inspection Check List’. Completed inspection check lists are submitted to the Safety Department and details of inspections are shared during the monthly Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) Committee Meeting.