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Season’s Greetings and Japanese New Year


Dear Readers, Happy Holidays!

The Christmas decorations all over the island are cheering us up. The Christmas tree photo was taken at Wisma Atria, Orchard Road.

Some people may celebrate Christmas the most, while others celebrate the Chinese New Year. Japanese people place great emphasis on New Year’s Day, 1st of January. On New Year’s Eve, Japanese people will clean up their houses and set a pair of Kadomatsu at entrances to invite in Toshigami (年神, also written as 歳神). Toshigami is a god that visits every home every New Year’s Day.

On New Year’s Day, people will go out and see Hatsu Hinode (初日の出), the first sun rise of the New Year. Watching the first sunrise is also a way to welcome Toshigami and the new year ahead. After that, family members may gather and enjoy new year dishes called Osechi (おせち) with Otoso (お屠蘇, Japanese Sake seasoned by special medicinal herbs).

We have gone through another difficult year, but let us hope the coming year will be a better one.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

37E Benoi Road, Pioneer Lot, Singapore 627798